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EBSCO online sessions July & August 2024

Registrations for the training cycle organized by EBSCO designed for librarians, researchers, teachers and students, who would like to learn more about EBSCO.

EBSCO Online Sessions in July

  • How do I find help documentation and tutorials with EBSCO Connect?

3rd July, 11:00 AM (30 minutes) | Register

Discover the new face of EBSCO Support at https://connect.ebsco.com/. There you will find important information about the databases and services offered by EBSCO. Everything is available in an accessible and easy-to-find form. During the training, we will show how to search for information and helpful materials available on the website. We will also see EBSCO Academy, where users can find numerous videos, improve their search skills by taking part in mini courses, and view archived training recordings.

  • EBSCO Mobile App in 30 minutes

4th July, 12:30 PM (30 minutes) | Register

Overview of features available in the new EBSCO Mobile app. We will show you how to download, log in, and use the application. We will tell you how to download e-books within the app. All in just 30 minutes.

  • EBSCOhost for advanced researchers

8th July, 2:00 PM (60 minutes) | Register

It will be a very practical session. During this training, we will conduct many advanced search examples on the EBSCOhost platform. We will see how to use Boolean operators, create an advanced search strategy, use special characters and field codes, and searching with thesaurus.

  • Useful tools for researchers

9th July, 11:00 AM EEST (45 minutes) | Register

During this practical session, we will review the functions, i.e., saving articles in an individual folder and sharing search results with others, using search history, saving data to bibliography managers including Zotero or Mendeley, and saving articles to a Google Drive account.

  • Get ready for the new academic year!

16th July, 11:30 AM (20 minutes) | Register

Take part in this session to get prepared for the new academic year. After this session, you will know how to check if everything works properly, where to find extra promotional materials and video tutorials. We will also present some examples of good practices.

  • EBSCOhost in a NEW version!

17th July, 12:30 PM (60 minutes) | Register

During the session, we will review the new interface of the EBSCOhost platform, which allows searching in subscribed EBSCO databases. Our user experience team has spent years observing students and the challenges they face when using library interfaces. The result is a new EBSCOhost interface to meet ever-changing user expectations. Join the session if you are curious about what the updated version of your favorite platform looks like.

EBSCO Online Sessions in August

EBSCO Week: Complete your thesis with EBSCO

  • Searching for scientific literature on EBSCOhost without any secrets

26th August, 2:00 PM (60 minutes) | Register

During this training we will conduct many search examples using the advanced search screen on the EBSCOhost platform. We will see how to use Boolean operators, create an advanced search strategy, and use special characters and field codes for a more precise search.

  • EBSCOhost tools that make Your research more effective

27th August, 11:30 AM (45 minutes) | Register

The EBSCOhost platform is not only a place where researchers can discover scientific literature, but also work with full text and bibliography. During this practical session, we will review the functions, i.e., saving articles in an individual folder and sharing search results with others, using search history, saving data to bibliography managers including Zotero or Mendeley, and saving articles to a Google Drive account.

  • The problem of finding relevant search terms is a thing of the past!

28th August, 12:30 PM (40 minutes) | Register

Having trouble finding the right search term? This training is for you! This will be a session dedicated to searching based on controlled vocabulary. We will show the differences in search results using a thesaurus compared to using natural language.

  • How to save time with your personal MyEBSCO account?

29th August, 12:00 (25 minutes) | Register

A practical session during which we will show you how to set up a free account on the EBSCOhost platform. We will tell you how to effectively save time by using many options of the platform, i.e., creating notifications, saving results and searches, and organizing results into thematic folders.

  • Creating bibliography and citations with EBSCOhost?

30th August, 11:00 AM (25 minutes) | Register

Sign up for training and learn how to easily create bibliography and citations when searching in EBSCO databases. We will show you how to use the cite and export functions, which enable you to quickly create bibliographies in several commonly used formats. We will tell you why it is worth using bibliography managers, such as Zotero or Mendeley.

To stay up-to-date with upcoming training sessions, we recommend that you bookmark this site and visit it regularly to sign up for any new trainings.

EBSCO online sessions June 2024

Registrations for the training cycle organized by EBSCO designed for librarians, researchers, teachers and students, who would like to learn more about EBSCO.

  • EBSCO resources for social and humanities studies

4th June 2024, 11:00 AM (60 minutes) | Register

Join the session to learn more about Sociology Source Ultimate, Humanities Source Ultimate and Communication Source. Apart from knowing more about the content of the databases you will see many practical search examples.

  • eBook Manager: manage and customize your EBSCO eBooks

11th June 2024, 1:30 PM (30 minutes) | Register

eBook Manager offers a complete EBSCO eBooks management workflow in a single intuitive interface within EBSCOhost Collection Manager. During the training the participants will learn more about this tool which allows you to manage the titles available in the library, including customizing the download settings.

  • Interesting summer magazines with the Flipster platform!

12th June 2024, 12:30 PM (40 minutes) | Register

During the training, will be presented a tool for viewing and reading popular titles of magazines in digital version. Flipster platform will be presented from a user perspective, will be explained the rules for access to subscriptions and advise how librarians can become familiar with the offer of best-selling titles.

  • Holidays with EBSCO eBooks!

18th June 2024, 2:30 PM (45 minutes) | Register

Practical training during which participants will learn how to use EBSCO eBooks online, how to download full e-books and chapters, how to use e-books on smartphones, tablets and readers or how to download and authorize Adobe Digital Editions.

 To stay up-to-date with upcoming training sessions, we recommend that you bookmark this site and visit it regularly to sign up for any new trainings.

Training Sessions on “How to Publish with Oxford Journals”

These sessions will help you determine whether you are ready to publish your work, discuss the manuscript forms available, and highlight points to consider when choosing the right journal for your research. At the end of the session the learner will be able to walk away with an understanding of the publishing process and the steps you should follow when preparing to publish for the first time.

  • Jun 11th, 2024 (12:30 PM – 2:30 PM) Register
  • Jun 18th, 2024 (12:30 PM – 2:30 PM) Register

Library Representatives in euroCRIS Conference

The International Conference on Current Research Information Systems took place in Vienna, Austria, from 15-17 May 2024. CRIS 2024 is the sixteenth edition in a biennial series of conferences devoted to improving the availability of and access to research information systems across Europe. The target audience includes managers of research-performing and/or funding institutions, evaluators, librarians, ICT experts, as well as policy makers.

The general theme of the conference is “Emerging trends for international collaboration in the CRIS domain”, highlighting the opportunities and challenges posed by an increasing internationalisation of the conversation around research information management in areas like Open Science, National Research Portals or Artificial Intelligence. Conference programme and presentations.

Presentation Vytautas Magnus University Research Management System: CRIS solution shared with other Lithuanian universities was made by VMU Library representative V. Kučiukas. 

 Presentation on euroCRIS repository.

Vilius Kučiukas, architect of the VMU CRIS system, presentation at the euroCRIS conference (2024-05-16). Photo by Daiva Jurkšaitienė

Learning and teaching others: The role of the library in open and citizen science activities

The project “University libraries strengthening the academia-society connection through citizen science in the Baltics (LibOCS)“, implemented by academic libraries in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania together with partners, offers a unique opportunity to learn about and be part of citizen science.
One of the important objectives of the project is to improve the open science competences and skills of library staff in higher education libraries in the Baltic States and to empower library staff to provide qualified training services.
We invite all those interested in citizen science to participate in the webinar “Citizen Science for Librarians: Open Access Resources from a Teaching Perspective”.  The seminar will take place on Friday 24 May from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m..
The aim of the seminar is to present the collection of open access resources on citizen science developed by the project and its potential for use in a teaching/learning perspective. It is primarily aimed at academic and public library staff, but is useful and applicable to anyone interested in open and citizen science.
Language of the seminar: Lithuanian
Registration for the workshop (required): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZxdVFS7tG9YNm-bGwK9ygIAZMFfwKNLHjZrYi1S1wYiEhKw/viewform
The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme. Project number: No. 2021-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000031125.

ORCID webinars May – June 2024

ORCID is an international unique researcher key, a personal reference, an online profile linking all of a researcher’s research activities and outputs, and creating links to institutions that collect and use ORCID.

We invite you to join the following workshops!

Workshops in May

Workshop in June

Turnitin: Empower Students to Do Their Best

During studies at VMU, students often rely on other authors’ publications and other sources of information for their work, so it is very important to observe the principles of academic integrity and the requirements for citing the literature used.

In order to promote awareness and quality writing, VMU has launched the Turnitin Similarity Checker in the study process. The program will allow students to check their work and assess whether the sources used have been properly cited. This will help to avoid plagiarism and to better understand authorship requirements. Turnitin is useful for both lecturers and students as it can detect similarities with other documents and protect against unintentional plagiarism. It allows checking written work in different languages using a large database and quickly obtaining results.

Students will be able to start using the system once e-mails have been sent to their VMU e-mail account regarding the set-up and activation of their Turnitin account and the instructions in the e-mail have been followed. Notice. If a student does not receive the email, please contact the system administrator.

For a quick check of your work, see the instruction. If you need help, please contact the library consultants.

Trial of MIT Press Direct eBook Collections

MIT Press is a leading publisher of books and journals at the intersection of science, technology, and the arts. During the trial the complete collection with more than 3,000 ebooks is available. Key subject areas covered in the complete collection include art and architecture, biomedical sciences, business and finance, computer science, cognitive science, design, education, environment, game studies, humanities, information science, linguistics, neuroscience, new media, philosophy, and social sciences.

 Log in VMU computer network or Remote access

The access for the University community is valid to 31 May, 2024.

Trial of SAGE Research Methods

SAGE Research Methods is an all in one innovative online resource that helps to teach research methods, design research projects,  understand or identify new methods, conduct research, and write up the findings. SAGE Research Methods includes collections of  case studies and video to offer real world applications and hands-on practice for hundreds of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Log in VMU computer network or Remote access

The access for the University community is valid to 31 May, 2024.

Lina Šarlauskienė’s personal painting exhibition “Emotions in colors”

We invite you to visit the exhibition of paintings by Lina Šarlauskienė „Emotions in colors“, which is exhibited in the library of the Academy of Agriculture of the Vytautas Magnus University (Studentų str. 11−235, Akademija, Kaunas district). Opening of the exhibition in 2024. April 24, 2 p.m.

Author about herself and creation

I have graduated from librarianship and defended my dissertation in Humanities at Vilnius University, I have been doing pedagogical and scientific work in higher education institutions for a long time, and I am engaged in professional activities in academic libraries. Work activities are related to rules and requirements, but I unconsciously look for creative and innovative solutions everywhere. Sometimes I am asked how such responsibilities and creativity can be combined. I think that creative thinking helps a lot in all activities. In addition, I have a perfect combination of various opposites: admiration for old libraries and interest in digital publishing or artificial intelligence, searching for antiques and installing the latest systems, the desire to communicate and the need to be quietly alone, to organize some processes or make color chaos on the canvas. Creativity has always been a necessity for me. There have been various creative activities, and recently floristics and painting are the most interesting. I started trying to paint over a decade ago. I choose colors according to my mood, I paint by intuition. I notice that in my paintings the colors are often “runaway”, there are no smooth edges and realistic images. It’s probably a way to escape from harsh reality. It is important for me that there is a depth of feeling in the canvases, so the paintings usually have several layers. Layers, transilluminations, spillovers are like a reflection of our diverse inner world and perception. A person is not a label with duties, just like images are just fragments of memories that have floated away. We have many feelings, and they can be colorful. I discovered acrylic painting as color therapy. It is possible to pour out the existing uneasy or happy feelings and even change them. Sometimes you want black, but you suddenly switch to lighter and lighter colors and catch yourself thinking that your feelings have already changed.


V. Putvinskio St. 23, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327861
T. Ševčenkos St. 31, Vilnius,
tel. +370 5 2337682
Jonavos St. 66–106, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 751046
V. Čepinskio St. 5–429, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 295913
S. Daukanto St. 25, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 424960
K. Donelaičio St. 52, 2 floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327863
Studentų St. 11–235, Akademija, Kauno r., tel. +370 37 752304