Consortium of the Lithuanian Academic Libraries for the Maintenance and Development of an Information Infrastructure for Science and Studies.
- Open Researcher and Contributor ID organization (ORCID) (2023–)
- The International Organisation for Research Information (euroCRIS) (2023–)
- Publishers international linking association (PILA) ir CrossRef (2012–)
- Lithuanian Academic Libraries Directors’ Association (LABA),
- Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA),
- Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER) / Association of European Research Libraries (2006–),
- Electronic Information for Libraries (,
- Consortium of Legal Resource Centers and Legal Information Specialists (2004–2022),
- Journal Donation Project (JDP) (1997–2015).
Projects supported by European Union Structural Funds:
- „Strengthening VMU’s international competitiveness in the Transform4Europe alliance network of European universities“ (2023–2024)
- „University libraries strengthening the academia-society connection through citizen science in the Baltics“ (2021–2024),
- „MoBiLait: Enabling learning opportunities for usual print-disabled persons, through the Lithuanian Library Network= MoBiLait: mokymosi galimybių atvėrimas žmonėms, negalintiems skaityti įprasto spausdinto teksto, per Lietuvos bibliotekų tinklą“ (2019–2021),
- „eMoDB.LT3: Opening of the Online Research Databases for Lithuania – Stage 3″ (2016–2021),
- „Publication of Scientific Periodicals and It’s Coordination“ (2016–2019),
- „eMoDB.LT2: Opening of the Online Research Databases for Lithuania – Stage 2″ (2012–2015),
- „Creation and Development of eLABa Integral Services” (2012–2014),
- „National Open Access Research Data Archive (MIDAS)” (2012–),
- „Lituanistika Database of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Lithuania” (2011–),
- „eMoDB.LT : Electronic scientific databases open for Lithuania” (2009–2012),
- „Storage and administration of empirical data and information: Lithuanian humanities and social science data archive (LiDA)“ (2007–2008),
- „Lithuanian science and study e-document accumulation and delivery to the readers“ (2005–2008),
- „Lithuanian virtual library and creation of a full-text documents database“ (2005–2008).
Other projects:
- Project of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania „Inventory of the American-Lithuanian Cultural Archives (ALKA)“ (2008).