1. Searching for information sources for written works (1 ac. hour)
The purpose of the training is to provide knowledge about the main stages and principles of the information search strategy, as well as to introduce the library main information search tools – the library website and the virtual library – a search system based on the one-stop shop principle, which allows you to search for information in library catalog, licensed databases, research management system and other Lithuanian and world academic resources.
2. Citation of sources in written works (1 ac. hour)
The purpose of the training is to explain how to legally and ethically use information sources in written works, to introduce copyright, the purposes and principles of citation, and to discuss the problem of plagiarism and its manifestations. Students will be taught how to create a bibliographic description of a document, insert references into the text and how to compile reference list.
3. RefWorks, a program for gathering information about sources, managing them and citing them in studies and scientific works (1 ac.hour)
The purpose of the training is to present the special program for managing information resources RefWorks: how to accumulate and store descriptions of information sources planned to be used in the written work with full-text documents or links to them according to topics or other characteristics, how to insert links to cited sources when preparing a written work and automatically form at the end of the work the reference list, choosing the required citation style.
*1, 2 trainings can be remote/contact, 3 – contact.
For trainings apply to Daiva Steponavičienė, e-mail: daiva.steponaviciene@vdu.lt, phone: +370 37 327864, internal 5411.
Research data and its management Contacts for consultations
Plagiarism check programs: