Mykolas Romeris Library
Information resources:
- Print information resources: more than 23 000 items on psychology, sociology, law, social work, social politics, anthropology and other related items. Stock is open for users.
Item arrangement scheme in the library.
Item search and request: information about print publications is presented in VMU virtual library. Items lent for longer term can be ordered in advance.
Item loan/return: items are read on site or lent home for month or a semester. There is self-service facility of item loan and return.
- Electronic information resources:
- Databases, recommended to the Faculty of Social Sciences.
- Databases, recommended to the Faculty of Law.
- Electronic information resources in e-publication repository.
- Guides by subject.
- Open access databases and search systems for scientific information.
Trainings and consultations:
- Library staff give consultations about library services and resources, search of information in the library website, search of print and electronic information resources in library catalogues and databases, and other library services.
- Trainings. You can request trainings in advance by e-mail, phone or coming to the library.
There are 15 computers for studies and research, 39 work places for work with personal computers.
Wireless network “Eduroam” is available. Computer network configuration instructions are provided in the University intranet.
Specialized software:
Qualitative data analysis program „SPSS IBM Statistics 22“can be used by 3 University community members at a time.