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Exciting updates to JoVE Unlimited subscription this year

As an Unlimited subscriber, Vytautas Magnus University community will have access to all of JoVE’s product releases in 2024. JoVE video library includes 19,000+ science videos that have been proven to elevate test scores, boost student engagement, and increase the productivity of researchers.

Upcoming Releases in 2024

JoVE Education

2900 videos

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Marketing
  • Microeconomics
  • Finance

 JoVE Research

  • 1200 videos on research methods in JoVE Journal
  • 575 videos on Immunology & Neuroscience in JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments

Log in: VMU computer network or Remote access

Information about all databases subscribed to by the university


V. Putvinskio St. 23, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327861
T. Ševčenkos St. 31, Vilnius,
tel. +370 5 2337682
Jonavos St. 66–106, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 751046
V. Čepinskio St. 5–429, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 295913
S. Daukanto St. 25, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 424960
K. Donelaičio St. 52, 2 floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327863
Studentų St. 11–235, Akademija, Kauno r., tel. +370 37 752304