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Trial access to Inspec with Full Text database in the field of Engineering, Physics, and Computer Science

Inspec with Full Text offers access to the world’s scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computing, and more. The database includes more than 1,500 active full-text journals and provides significant coverage in subjects such as astronomy and astrophysics, computing and control, electrical engineering and electronics, information technology, mechanical and production engineering and physics.

Inspec with Full Text database can be accessed during the trial access on EBSCOhost platform at in the internal network of Vytautas Magnus University and remotely from home computers and mobile devices.

Log in VMU computer network or Remote access

The access for the University community is valid to 21 December, 2024.


V. Putvinskio St. 23, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327861
T. Ševčenkos St. 31, Vilnius,
tel. +370 5 2337682
Jonavos St. 66–106, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 751046
V. Čepinskio St. 5–429, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 295913
S. Daukanto St. 25, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 424960
K. Donelaičio St. 52, 2 floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327863
Studentų St. 11–235, Akademija, Kauno r., tel. +370 37 752304