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EndNote is a reference management tool. This tool allows to save bibliographic references of information sources; to organize them into groups according to topics or other features, to edit them and perform a record search; to compile lists of references according to different citation styles; to use Cite While You Write  tool for citing and referencing in the MS Word program, to insert references to sources in the text, and to prepare a list of references. This tool is licensed together with Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics) database. If you want to use it, you have to log in (if you already have Web of Science, ResearcherID ar Publons personal profiles, you should use the same log in data for EndNote).

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V. Putvinskio St. 23, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327861
T. Ševčenkos St. 31, Vilnius,
tel. +370 5 2337682
Jonavos St. 66–106, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 751046
V. Čepinskio St. 5–429, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 295913
S. Daukanto St. 25, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 424960
K. Donelaičio St. 52, 2 floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327863
Studentų St. 11–235, Akademija, Kauno r., tel. +370 37 752304