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About library

Vytautas Magnus University Library (~5 th. m2) mission − to provide the University studies, research with information resources and information services, to develop the information literacy of the members of University academic community, to implement and develop advanced library services and technologies.

Library has accumulated 1 mln. traditional documents. About 240,000 of the library stock items are available in the open stock. The University community has access to 76 licensed scientific databases, containing more than 971 th. electronic documents. Library users are provided with 636 workspaces, 262 of which are computerized. The library has 17 individual and group workspaces (72 work places), rest zones. Users with special needs are provided with height adjustable desks and chairs, special keyboards, software, desktop video magnifiers for visually impaired, Braille printer. Self-service facilities of borrowing and return of books based on radio wave technologies (RFID) are installed for readers’ convenience. Using them, readers can borrow/return books, renew the loan term. Self-service facility of return working 24 hours a day is installed outside the central library building.

Library created/administered information systems and databases:

  • Virtual Library (PRIMO VE, ExLibris) operates by one-stop shop principle and enables to perform search in VMU library catalogue, Research Publications and Master Theses and Dissertations databases,  subscribed and open access databases, etc.
  • Current Research information system (VMU CRIS) is the infrastructure of services and means designed for the accumulation and management of research publications and activities by the members of the University community. System components:
    • Research Publications Database contains scientific publications written by University employees;
    • Database of University Master Theses and Dissertations gives an overview of master theses in electronic version, written by University students;
    • University Repository of Electronic Publications provides an infrastructure for services and enables the accumulation, management, dissemination, and long-term preservation of e-documents;
    • University Researchers database contains information about the research interests of the researchers, their research activity, career, achievements, etc. Links to publications, coordinated projects, departments where researchers work are provided. The profiles of each researcher have a permanent web address.
    • University projects database provides information on projects coordinated and/or partnered by the University. Links with scientists and departments involved in projects are provided. Each project has a permanent web address.
    • Registry of University academic departments provides information on University departments of different levels, research clusters, working groups. Links with the researchers, publications and projects are provided. Each department has a permanent web address.
  • Library website provides complete information about the Library, its services, licensed or trial scientific databases, and news of upcoming library meetings, exhibitions and events. The portal is equipped with up-to-date communication services, Facebook (Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto biblioteka), which always welcomes your feedback regarding the services provided.


  • President Valdas Adamkus Library (S. Daukanto St. 25, I floor, Kaunas). Collection is constantly updated with new documents from the personal President‘s library. Aleksandras Štromas, Bronius Kviklys and Vytautas Kavolis collections are also available.
  •  Vaclovas Biržiška Library (K. Donelaičio St. 52, II floor, Kaunas).  More than 56,000 items are available on education, history, art, theology, philology, literature, foreign languages study books, the latest dissertations and their summaries. Home library  for Faculties of  Humanities, Arts, Catholic Theology, Institute of Foreign Languages, for Education Academy in Kaunas.
  • Leonidas  Donskis Library (V. Putvinskio St. 23, I floor, Kaunas). More than 30,000 items are available for study programs and research in Economics and Management, Political Sciences and Diplomacy, philosophy studies.
  • Mykolas Romeris Library (Jonavos St. 66–106, Kaunas). More than 23,000 items are available on psychology, sociology, law, social work, social politics, anthropology and other related topics. Home library for faculties of Law and Social Sciences.
  • Music Academy Library (V. Čepinskio St. 5, Kaunas). Books on music theory and history, performance art, music analysis, pedagogics and didactics in various languages, notes, periodicals.
  • Meilė Lukšienė Library (T. Ševčenkos St. 31, Vilnius). More than 300,000 items for studies in Education academy. About 20,000 latest items are available in open stock.
  • Agriculture Academy Library (Studentų St. 11–235, Akademija, Kaunas district). More than 250, 000 items are available on agriculture, economics, energy, engineering, forestry, informatics, natural sciences, etc. About 40,000 latest items are available in open stock.

Library 2025

Library area – 5 th. m2
 7 sublibraries.

Visits and work places

Number of physical and virtual visits ~ 1 mln.;
560 work places for users :
         Computer-equipped – 128;
         Individual/group work  – 72;
         Special needs – 16.

Information resources and their use

Traditional stock of library documents ~ 1 mln. items;
Document loan ~ 42 th. items.
Number of documents in open stacks – 240 th. items;
76 subscribed databases;
22 trial databases;
Access to 971 th. el. documents;
El. resource reviews – 2,9 mln.;
Downloads of full-text documents – 2,6 mln.
      Total number of records – 134 th.;
      Full-text documents – 54 th.;
–      Links to full-text documents – 14 th.;
      Number of publications  – 78 th.;
      Number of University journals – 22;
      Number of studies final works (ETD)  – 27 th.;
      Researchers‘ profiles – 1,2 th.;
      Department  profiles – 179;
      Included  projects – 1265.

 Information literacy training

Trainings (contact and distance) – 99, 111 academic hours, 1770 participants;
19 th. information requests answered;
29 video presentations prepared;
42 topics prepared in subject index SubjectPlus.

 Other resources and services

Open Journal System platform (ejournals.vdu.lt) – 13 journals;
VMU DOI assigned to 5,7 th. e- documents.



V. Putvinskio St. 23, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327861
T. Ševčenkos St. 31, Vilnius,
tel. +370 5 2337682
Jonavos St. 66–106, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 751046
V. Čepinskio St. 5–429, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 295913
S. Daukanto St. 25, I floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 424960
K. Donelaičio St. 52, 2 floor, Kaunas,
tel. +370 37 327863
Studentų St. 11–235, Akademija, Kauno r., tel. +370 37 752304