Trial of ASME and the extended engineering collection
Founded in 1880 as The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. The ASME Digital Collection provides the access to journals, conference proceedings, ebooks.
The collection now holds ASTM, AWS, and BEP content making it one of the biggest engineering collections available.
The ASTM (The American Society of Testing and Materials) provides research and application content on all aspects of engineering.
The AWS (American Welding Society) e-book collection would be an added benefit to the welding classroom and shop. This covers both research and applied content to help students reach their academic success.
The BEP (Business Expert Press) e-book collections provide detailed information on the operations of any business helping provide key content support that next generation of innovators.
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