Information for first year students
Get acquainted with the University Library and use all the possibilities it offers!
Find the information about the library and its services in library website and Facebook.
Note the structure of the library – it’s located in 2 cities and 9 buildings.
Find out the opening hours of library departments (libraries) as it varies.
Attention! Signing study or employment contract with the University entitles you to use the library services without additional registration.
Using only university e-mail logins you will be able to order items, renew their due dates, use electronic information resources from home or other remote computers, and receive our emails.
Get a Lithuanian student certificate – it is needed for borrowing items to home. If you donʼt have it, use a personal identification document.
Use the Library Catalogue and Virtual Library to find information and request the items you need. You can also choose items on the open stacks.
Borrow items and return them using self-service devices in library departments.
Please return the items on time, as they are awaited by other readers. If not, renew the loan term yourself by logging in to your account in the Library Catalogue or Virtual Library.
Use other electronic information resources.
Work in individual and group workspaces with pre-booked working hours.
Sign up for library trainings or book a consultation.
Got questions? Contact us, call or come to the library.